Tutorial: How to plot stress strain data in LS-PrePost 4.0
Load your output d3plot firs.
- Press the Post processing button
- Press Hist-ory button ( history menu appears)
- In the history menu choose Element
- Select Effective Plastic Strain first
- Select an element in the model
- Press Plot button (the Effective Plastic Strain – time curve will be plotted)
- Press Save data curve
- Write file name (optionally you can change the default folder location where the curve will be saved)
- Press again Save (the curve is saved now)
1. Select Effective Stress (v-m)
2. Press Save data curve
3. Write file name (optionally you can change the default folder location where the curve will be saved)
4 Press again Save (the curve is saved now)
5 Press Quit
6 Press Done
- Press XY plot (you should see the names of the both previously saved curves at the top of the menu)
- Choose Cross selected plots (Make a note that X-Axis is already selected)
- Select Effective Plastic Strain for X-Axis (The name of the curve appeared down in the field of Curves Names)
4. Double click on the curve in Curve Names (Please note that its name should appear at X: and the Axis is now automatically changed to Y-Axis
5. Select Effective Stress curve for Y-Axis
6. Double click on the curve in curve names (Please note that its name will now appear at Y: )
7. Press Plot (The Stress-Strain curve is now plotted and you can optionally save it as well )
Finally we have the Stress – Strain curve
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